Monday, March 2, 2009

The Bachelor?

What is it about the past 2 seasons of The Bachelor? I have been watching every episode this season because I LOVED Jason and thought he had his head on straight after being hurt so many times...and I was so happy when he chose Melissa. Only to be EXTREEMLY dissapointed when like 10 seconds later, he dropped her like a bad habit and chose "whats her face". I should not be so emotionally invested in a dumb tv show, but I was, and now I am so upset and sad for Melissa and agree with her when she called him a bad word that started with a B and ended with stard! What the heck? Is anyone else mad, or am I just weird? haha! I can not believe I am posting about a tv show!


Veronica said...

I know!!! I say this every season, but I am DONE watching! I think it is so rigged. Have you ever seen the movie Ed TV? This dumb show is so much like that movie. I feel very sorry for the sweet people on there that get exploited.

Leilani said...

I was SO disappointed! I hope they pick Melissa for the next Bachelorette, not that I'd watch this show ever again of course. :)

lizdye said...

I MISSED IT!!! I cant believe it, and it really was, "the most dramatic bachelor EVER" Dang!

Alicia said...

Oh Girl! Both Cameron and I were SOOOO DISTURBED!!! I thought it was great when Melissa called him that. Seriously! I Think HES THE ONE WITH ISSUES!!!