Now for Christmas. It was a little different this year because it is the first year that my family was not here. It was fun though because we were able to do our own traditions and have Christmas morning with just our little family. Kennedy was SO excited this year which made things really fun. We watched Home Alone on Christmas eve, and then Kennedy said "I want to go to bed now so Santa will come!" We put out some peanut butter bars (since I forgot to make cookies) and some milk and she went to bed.
At about 8:00am, Kennedy came into our room and said "wake up mommy!" I asked her why I needed to wake up and she said "because I am awake now!" In a DUH kind of way. She loved all of her presents so much, but her favorite was her new snow white barbie. That is the only thing that she asked Santa for this year and she got it! She was way too spoiled! Liam was still to young to care, but he had fun playing with the empty boxes and wrapping paper more than his presents.
Liam was eating the left over peanut butter bar we left for Santa. All he does is EAT!
We spent time at Christian's parent and then went down to Spanish fork to see my great grandma K. It was so nice to spend time with her, especially since she had no where to go and she was so bored. I love her so much! After dinner and games at Christian's aunts house, I was worn out and ready for bed.
I know, this is a long post. I should really space it out and write a new post tomorrow on the rest....but I KNOW MYSELF, and I will probably let it go 2 months before I write again. I will just leave you with a list of future posts that I need to write about so that I will not forget.
1. Kennedy's first dance recital
2. Kennedy's video's
3. Life is hard
4. Liam and his new "words"
I will leave you with this funny video on how I bribed Kennedy to do something during Christmas. If you can't hear it, I am asking her to do something and she is saying no and crying. I tell her that I will show Santa this video of her being naughty, and this is what she says. TO get to the video, click here --->
Until next time. (because lets face it, I am lame!)
Whenever you come into a new year, you want to start well and get matches under your belt.It is necessary to hope. . . for hope itself is happiness. May every day hold happy hours for you.
I love your owl picture! I'm slightly obsessed with owls. :)
Oh my heck. Liam is so big! You have the cutest kids. I miss you and life is hard. Freak. Do that post soon so I can relate to you!
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