Saturday, August 14, 2010

Too Good NOT to Share

So, I just joined this ebates thing online. Seriously, all it needs is your name and e mail address and you get $5.00 just for signing up. Then, you just buy whatever you already buy online and then get cash rebates!Some places, like wal mart, only give 1% cash back, but hey, better than nothing right? Especially since it has free shipping to a wal mart by your house. I just got plane tickets on there through priceline and and got a $26.00 rebate! Just try it! I felt this was too good not to share! Plus, if you get one of your friends to sign up, you get $5.00 more when they buy anything through their site! To sign up, just click HERE. You will not regret it! Or click this link

1 comment:

Miss Heather said...

Okay so I signed up... and I shop at Barnes & Noble online ALL the time... but I'm a little confused... how do you get your cash back exactly? It never asked for an address... or can they just put it in my PayPal? Or is it just to spend online?